Introducing Bullfrog Communities
Welcome to Bullfrog Communities
We aim to energize change, and to help local activists broaden their reach.
- We provide powerful films and all the support materials you need to create an effective community event.
- We will send out strategic petitions, asking you to sign and send them on to your network, using the power of this medium on behalf of the people and the earth. These will be either national in scope — asking you to join an uproar of opinion, or very local — asking you to add your voice to attain a specific victory, which may provide a watershed — changing the mindset of the people empowered in a community, of multinational corporations' assumptions as to what they can get away with, and of politicians who notice the change in the wind.
- We will provide a forum for sharing ideas that work and news that can inform action on an issue. We ask for your discussion, suggestions, feedback, and reports of successes in your community.
Please join. Let's see what we can accomplish together.
DEATH BY DESIGN Screening Resources
The Discussion Guide guide contains the following for your screening use:
• about the film & filmmakers • ready to watch! screening guide
• ready to talk! discussion guide • ready to act! handout
click to download
(customize for your event)
Discussion Guide
IFIXIT Repair Manifesto
Press Stills
Related Websites & Other Resources
Basel Action Network (BAN) works to champion global environmental health and justice by ending toxic trade, catalyzing a toxics-free future, and campaigning for everyone’s right to a clean environment.
China Labor Watch increases transparency of supply chains and factory labor conditions, advocates for workers’ rights, and supports the Chinese labor movement.
Find a Recycler is a searchable, interactive map and list of e-recyclers around the world by e-Stewards. e-Stewards is a global team of individuals, institutions, businesses, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies upholding a safe, ethical, and globally responsible standard for e-waste recycling and refurbishment.
Gaia is a worldwide alliance of more than 800 grassroots groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals in over 90 countries whose ultimate vision is a just, toxic-free world without incineration.
GoodElectronics brings together networks, organisations and individuals that are concerned about human rights, including labour rights, and sustainability issues in the global electronics supply chain, including trade unions, grass roots organisations, campaigning and research organisations, academia, and activists.iameco an Irish company dedicated to creating the world’s first ecologically safe computers: the iameco range.
IFIXIT is the free repair guide for everything, written by everyone.
International Campaign for Responsible Technology connects activists and organizations around the world, to make the electronics industry accountable and sustainable.
Lower East Side Ecology Center works toward a more sustainable New York City by providing community-based recycling and composting programs, developing local stewardship of green space, and increasing community awareness, involvement and youth development through environmental education programs.Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition is a diverse non-profit organization engaged in research, advocacy and grassroots organizing to promote human health and environmental justice in response to the rapid growth of the high-tech industry.
Interested in hosting a virtual screening? Inquire here!
DEATH BY DESIGN exposes the unintended environmental, health and social consequences of our addiction to our digital devices.
"Everyone should see this film."
Sydney Brownstone, The Stranger
"You won't look at your iPhone in quite the same way again after viewing Sue Williams' thoughtful documentary."
Moira Macdonald, The Seattle Times
"Both jaw-dropping and heartbreaking, Death by Design forces the viewer to reconsider their whole approach to technology and this mad and unsustainable obsession with constantly upgrading."
Hannah Clugston, Aesthetica Magazine
"An extraordinary film. I have studied the problem of environmental hazards in the global electronics industry for 20 years and this is the best documentary I have seen on the subject matter. This film explains the sources of the environmental threats in the industry, demonstrates how local struggles are linked to global scale phenomena, and chronicles how community leaders around the world are taking positive steps to address these challenges. I will use this film in my courses for years to come."
David Naguib Pellow, Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California - Santa Barbara, Co-author, Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry
"Death by Design makes the invisible visible, and pushes us to consider the extent and nature of the ecological degradation and human health impacts of our digital lifestyle. Through powerful narrative and images, the film presents this challenge to students and community members. This is an excellent resource to stimulate discussion and motivate action related to the heavy ethical and environmental burdens of the digital age."
Dr. Jonathan Beever, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Digital Culture, Director, Theoretical and Applied Ethics Certificate Program, University of Central Florida
"Few people are aware of the myriad negative environmental and social impacts that result from our love affair with circuitry. Sue Williams' documentary powerfully introduces some of these 'hidden' impacts, and is a useful tool for educators, sustainability advocates, consumers, and other stakeholders to begin exploring and discussing impacts throughout the life cycles of electronic products."
Joy Scrogum, Emerging Technologies Resource Specialist, Co-coordinator of Sustainable Electronics Initiative, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
"When we enter the pristine, minimalist confines of an Apple store to update our 16-month old phone, the true cost of our behavior remains largely hidden. This eye-opening documentary reveals the strain the digital revolution has put on the environment and on the laborers who build our devices. This is a tale of the dark side of global capitalism, but it also invites us to think critically about the morality of the choices we make as consumers. Digital natives need to watch this."
Dr. Bastiaan Vanacker, Associate Professor and Program Director, Center for Digital Ethics and Policy, Loyola University - Chicago
After you pay the license fee for DEATH BY DESIGN, you may register your screening here to use our social-media tools to publicize your event. Register your screening by clicking the button above!
Introducing Bullfrog Communities
Posted by alex · April 11, 2017 12:29 PM
Consumers love - and live on - their smartphones, tablets and laptops. A cascade of new devices pours endlessly into the market, promising even better communication, non-stop entertainment and instant information. The numbers are staggering. By 2020, four billion people will have a personal computer. Five billion will own a mobile phone.
But this revolution has a dark side that the electronics industry doesn't want you to see.
In an investigation that spans the globe, award-winning filmmaker Sue Williams investigates the underbelly of the international electronics industry and reveals how even the tiniest devices have deadly environmental and health costs.
DEATH BY DESIGN tells the stories of young Chinese workers laboring in unsafe conditions, American families living with the tragic consequences of the industry's toxic practices, activists leading the charge to hold brands accountable, and passionate entrepreneurs who are developing more sustainable products and practices to safeguard our planet and our future.
From the intensely secretive electronics factories in China, to the high tech innovation labs of Silicon Valley, DEATH BY DESIGN tells a story of environmental degradation, of health tragedies, and the fast-approaching tipping point between consumerism and sustainability.
73 minutes
SDH Captioning for the Deaf & Hard-of-HearingDirected by Sue Williams
Produced by Hilary Klotz Steinman, Sue Williams
Writer: Sue Williams
Director of Photography: Sam Shinn
Editor: Adam Zucker
Music: Paul Brill
Narrator: Sue Williams
A film by Ambrica Productions in association with Impact PartnersBrought to you by
Bullfrog Communities
Bullfrog Communities provides a simple way for concerned citizens to stay informed about pressing issues: water, economic justice, food, energy & climate change, immigration, and environment. Join the ongoing discussion about issues that concern us all. Educate and energize your local community using the unique power of film.
Bullfrog Films is the leading U.S. publisher of independently-produced films about environmental and related social-justice issues — films that point the way to living healthily, happily, and with greater concern for the other inhabitants of this planet, and for our descendants.
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