DEATH BY DESIGN Screening Resources
The Discussion Guide guide contains the following for your screening use:
• about the film & filmmakers • ready to watch! screening guide
• ready to talk! discussion guide • ready to act! handout
Press Stills
Related Websites & Other Resources
Basel Action Network (BAN) works to champion global environmental health and justice by ending toxic trade, catalyzing a toxics-free future, and campaigning for everyone’s right to a clean environment.
China Labor Watch increases transparency of supply chains and factory labor conditions, advocates for workers’ rights, and supports the Chinese labor movement.
Find a Recycler is a searchable, interactive map and list of e-recyclers around the world by e-Stewards. e-Stewards is a global team of individuals, institutions, businesses, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies upholding a safe, ethical, and globally responsible standard for e-waste recycling and refurbishment.
Gaia is a worldwide alliance of more than 800 grassroots groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals in over 90 countries whose ultimate vision is a just, toxic-free world without incineration.
GoodElectronics brings together networks, organisations and individuals that are concerned about human rights, including labour rights, and sustainability issues in the global electronics supply chain, including trade unions, grass roots organisations, campaigning and research organisations, academia, and activists.
iameco an Irish company dedicated to creating the world’s first ecologically safe computers: the iameco range.
IFIXIT is the free repair guide for everything, written by everyone.
International Campaign for Responsible Technology connects activists and organizations around the world, to make the electronics industry accountable and sustainable.
Lower East Side Ecology Center works toward a more sustainable New York City by providing community-based recycling and composting programs, developing local stewardship of green space, and increasing community awareness, involvement and youth development through environmental education programs.
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition is a diverse non-profit organization engaged in research, advocacy and grassroots organizing to promote human health and environmental justice in response to the rapid growth of the high-tech industry.